Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Good & The Bad

Well hello!  I can't believe it's almost time for Christmas, and I've let this entire month slip by without a post.  Bad T!
Today provided blogging material that I just can't pass up.  We are doing "Secret Santa" at work, and so far, I am not impressed.  I mean, I'm not THAT picky.  Am I?  I'm not THAT difficult to buy for, am I?
I put a lot of thought into my recipient's gifts.  I noted what she likes, and I have the advantage of knowing her likes/dislikes.  So really, it has been easy for me to be sneaky with her little treasures.  I can understand if someone doesn't know me, it might be hard.  But I also know she is getting clues from a co-worker about my likes/dislikes.  Ha.
Speaking of treasures, here is a wonderful example of gifts I just love!  My buddy Tullybird sent me a Crappy Day package just out of the blue a few months ago, which was really kind of a congrats for getting a new position I really wanted at work too.  She put a boat-load of thought into it. 
She got me some super cute tissues (pink/black/white and says Bless You--how cute are those?), some avocado oil (great base for a marinade for fish I have discovered), and several wrapped presents with cute little sayings.  We got some BBQ sauce, some irresistibly delicious smelling fresh baked cookies for the pups (smelled like vanilla biscuits--I could have eaten them).  The dogs gave me very odd looks when I'd stand there just sniffing their treat before I let them devour them.
I also got some bacon popcorn!  Yes, I said bacon popcorn.  And we are eating it in cute little popcorn container.  See, that was a thoughtful bunch of gifts, wasn't it?
I know the cap on what we are spending at work means you have to get creative.  That means that maybe a pencil is all you give/get one day.  Or a poem.  Or a doodle you create on a post-it note.  What you DON'T give is this:
  • a day old blueberry muffin
  • one piece of candy you swiped from someones candy dish (to be fair, this had a little ornament with it that was not bad but I would have appreciated TWO tiny pieces of candy)
  • a black and white photo copy of a gift tag that everyone else has pinned up in their cubicles in color
  • OR THIS HIDEOUS DISASTER OF A KEEPSAKE I had the displeasure of receiving today:
If you can't see, there is a Bible, a cross, and a bird on the cross.
There is some stray ink smeared towards the top of the cross.
There is a scratch in the frosted glass you can't see.
The box says "Religious Inspirations".
Inspiration my ass.
Someone wasted their dollar at the dollar store.  Have I ever been religious in any of my postings?  Yea, I don't think I need to explain any further.
I might not be so bitter, if she hadn't spelled my name wrong.  The last TWO times.
This story will be continued.  Tomorrow is the "big reveal" on who each Secret Santa is.  I'm praying for a can of soda.