Saturday, September 3, 2011

And The Answer Is...

I recently asked a Trivia Question.  And the answer is...

My DISH-WASHING DRAWER!!!!  So Mrs. Irritation, it was in the kitchen, and it did relate to water.

I am NOT a fan of a "dishwasher drawer".  It's the "special" kind where you basically have 2 dishwashers in the space of one.  Do you know what that means?  Neither are big enough for even a small cookie sheet, so that means hand washing way too many things.  WTH is up with that?  Plus, the bottom of each drawer collects a serious amount of water that just sits there growing calcium deposits and mold.  It was the most disgusting thing I have ever cleaned.  Except that one time Roscoe got sick all over the living room, but he couldn't help it.  This whole dishwasher fiasco COULD HAVE BEEN HELPED had the previous homeowners ever cleaned the dang thing.  The stalactite calcium deposits, or whatever they were on the bottom of the metal plate at the bottom of the drawer, were so old, disgusting, and prevalent, that THEY WIGGLED.  Todd had to take the metal plate outside and pressure wash it.  Then I got to continue scrubbing.  This took 3 hours, 10 rubber gloves, 12 toothpicks, 1.5 rolls of paper towels, and one GALLON of vinegar to clean.  I only did the bigger drawer.  I have not cleaned the smaller one and I refuse to use it.  Disgusting.  I did the dishwasher-buildup-cleaner you can buy at home improvements stores today.  Had one of these been used each YEAR over the past SEVERAL years, it may have been a worthy cause.

On my list of things to buy... a normal dishwasher.  These drawers can go back to Australia.  I could kick whoever thought of this BRILLIANT idea.  They obviously eat out.

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