Thursday, July 18, 2013

RIP Schoep

I follow Schoep and John on FaceBook.  I am so saddened to see that Schoep passed away yesterday.  I have actually bawled my head off for the past 15 minutes.  I've never met the beautiful pooch, so I don't know why it hit me so hard and so personally.  I think it brings back memories of Amber.  You see, Schoep has had physical struggles that he has overcome.  I was really cheering for him, because he's a survivor.  Anytime I see an aging dog do well, it warms my heart.  Schoep warmed my heart.

I so wanted Amber to survive her physical struggles.  But she didn't.  Now John feels the loss I've felt.  Too many times.  Loosing a furry family member is so hard.  It's because they love so intensely and unconditionally.  And I hope I was worthy.

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