Monday, July 1, 2013

And Then

I feel like the ball in a pinball machine.  On multi-ball mode, going for the high score.  In other words, I am moving too fast.  But I have had some fun lately.  And this week holds much more fun to be had.  I will be able to slow down soon.

Let's recap the fun I've been having.  Mrs. Irritation visited with her beautiful daughter last Wednesday and Thursday.  We had a great time.  AND I got to meet Mouse when she joined us!  They loved playing with the pups and loving on Keystone.  I LOVED seeing them!  

We enjoyed a weird storm straight out of a horror movie.  See?

We had storms with vicious upside-down-meringue clouds
We had some good food.
Such a good one this time!

We went wild berry picking ON MY OWN LAND!  Can you believe it?  We have wild berries all over our woods.  It is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!  I loved having my little helper, Mrs. Irritation's daughter, hold the bucket while I dove in deep into the forest.  She made sure the pups didn't get our goodies.  She found that she LOVES berries.

On the edge of our "forest"

Close-up of our amazing berries
Then she helped me harvest the garden.  This was our first harvest of the year!  We had a few tom's ready, a few jalapeno peppers, and some giant Marconi peppers.  This was a great haul for still being June (last weekend)!

Notice these tom's?  Yea, so did Jessie*

Holy berries and peppers, batman!
Yes, those peppers are large enough to stuff.  And tasty enough to eat.  Man they are good.

Sunday, I had a chance to PICK EVEN MORE BERRIES!
I missed having my little helper while I tromped through the woods whistling to keep the snakes at bay.  I hauled in quite the load. 

*So Todd cleaned the tom's and had a nice little plate of our first tom's of the season for Friday night's side dish.  He put it on the coffee table.  Then when we were about ready to eat, he wondered why there was one clean plate on the coffee table.  Oops, we forgot how our pups are not the well-mannered adults that we've been accustomed to having.  We think Jessie licked the plate clean.  I wish you could have heard the shock in Todd's voice as he was yelling.  It's hard to sound serious when you're in shock and you're not totally sure who the guilty party is. 

Now I leave you with the best picture of the visit.  One of Mrs. Irritation's favorite things to do.  Make squishy-face!

Joey makes a great squishy face

Have a wonderful 4th of July!  We are celebrating this year.  We will enjoy good family, good dogs, good friends, good food and good times.  Cheers.

1 comment:

Toddy said...

Love that we have berries, and SO many of them. They mystery is where were they last year?