Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Final Gift and Cuteness Update

I wanted to update you in case you were on pins and needles wondering whatever happened with my Secret Santa dilemma. It ended up being someone who I do not know. At. All. No big surprise there.

So my final gift wasn't too bad. I got a dollar store calendar of dogs. There are a couple of cute dogs throughout the year, so that's great. And a dollar store wooden keepsake shadow box. I would have peed my pants with excitement over it when I was in grade school. So not bad. The best news? She spelled my name right on my final gift. Miracles do happen. I chalk it up to it's better to give than receive.  The person I had loved her stuff, so that's all that matters.

And now for a cuteness update. Our kids have gained 2 pounds apiece! I am so very happy about that. GROW, grow, grow!!!!! I'm tire of the puppy stage, but dang are they cute. I specifically want their digestive tracts to grow. If we could start getting full nights of sleep, it would be amazing. You never know when a night will be good with only one mid-morning pit stop, or bad with multiple. I've never needed to take so many naps in my life.

Jesse rules the world. She's going to be a very good Alpha dog some day. I will be looking into agility training classes for her and I to go to when she's older. This dog can hunt! Well, she loves to find ways through things that just amaze me at least. If she can really hunt, we will never know.

Our little boy is still nameless. It will happen soon. We don't want to just pick something just for the sake of picking something. We want something that suits his big spunky feisty personality.  And doesn't sound stupid when calling for him. He LOVES playing in the snow, chewing on his sister, and escaping his fortress/cage. For that, we have nick-named him Houdini. What's really funny is that if we catch him climbing over and we yell at him to Get Down, he does!! The name will happen soon, no worries.

It's not like either of them have a vocabulary of even one word yet. And now for proof of the cuteness.

Jesse has this precious little look that will just melt your heart

Our little Houdini (not his real name)

Keystone is a great "hall monitor" when we go outside

This is how they often sleep

Jesse contemplating if she wants to keep relaxing, or get up and inspect the camera

Our precious boy (one of them)

Me & Keystone
Todd playing with Jesse. Blowing air in her face = great fun!

He's fast asleep
My wish for you all is that you sleep as peacefully as this baby boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cutest puppies ever!!!!!

Well, except for that last batch, I mean.