Sunday, January 27, 2013

I Did It!

I had a goal of running a 10K in the Groundhog Run this year.  Today was the day!  It doesn't feel like spring is on the way, with it still being January and the temp dipping down at times to a windchill of -18 like it did last week, but today was race day.

I had many challenges that I could have used as an excuse not to go.  Over the past week: my hip was out of place and hurting (but fixed before race day), both of my ankles hurt at different times for different reasons, I had not had time to run all week long before the race, the pups have never been on a road trip, it was raining, bla, bla, bla.  In the end, I made it, and I'm glad I did it.  If I had wimped out, I would have regretted it because I have been training for this race.

This was our first outing with the pups!  They did so well, even though they ended up being in the one spot we tried to keep them out of initially.  They liked being between the two front seats on the floorboard next to the gear shift (no problem really, since neither have opposable thumbs).  It's nice and warm there. 

Oh, you mean you did NOT want us right here???
The groundhog run is in the underground caves.  It's such a neat atmosphere.  I didn't really care that it was raining outside because I was nice and dry underground.  Sometimes it can be musty and stinky smelling, but it was good this year!

The entrance to the "SubTropolis"
Cute little SupTropolis transportation
Every world has to have rules, right?
Gus, the mascot for the Great Underground Space
Me with Gus after the run
I'm so glad Heather wanted to run this year.  Otherwise, I would have come up with even more excuses to stay home.  She has a friend who ran with us as well and it was great that all three of us had the same pace.  We averaged around 12 minute miles, which I am very happy with my ability to maintain the pace throughout the entire race.

It's got me thinking of training for a half-marathon some day...


MitchelWB said...

Nice work! What's this "someday" nonsense on the half marathon though? The only think keeping you from doing it is you!

caseyoconnell said...

What in the hell is an office space doing in caves?! Are they real caves, or excavations, or what? I need a whole post on this because...mind...blown.

Good job on the race!