Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Albatross Is Gone

Have you ever been through something that seems like it will just NEVER end?  Like a major life event, not like bad service at a restaurant... 

I know a few of you have, so you'll understand my relief at announcing the psychological burden that feels like an evil curse has been lifted.  The albatross flew away.

Finally, after almost 2 years, we have EVERYTHING out of Nevada.  Todd had stuff to go get so that he could be DONE with that state.  Finally, he flew out for his very last time today.  It's such a relief to know we'll never be back. 

We have a few close friends in NV who we treasure and will always keep in touch.  But we never have to go back to that state again (unless it's to go play in Las Vegas).  That makes me so happy.  I can't tell you what a relief it is.  It has been a black haze in the back of our minds since we got here, influencing all travel plans we've made since we've been here.

Now we can let it go.

Speaking of changes for the better, I decided at the tail end of my time off last week that I needed to get serious about cleaning my office.  I have two occasions coming up where I need a 2nd guest bedroom.  We have a comfy airbed-on-stilts, but we need space to put it.  And cramming someone in this mess seemed inhumane.

Nightmare of an office, Part 1
Oh the horror, Part 2
In my defense, we used the space as a place to PUT stuff.  When we moved in, we just put boxes here and there.  I never really unpacked and cleaned up.  It was always a holding room for STUFF.
No more.  I reclaimed my personal space.  Man, do we (Jessie, Joey and I) LOVE it!!

And here is the result:

Joey approved

Jessie endorsed

And now, I leave you with this important question:

1 comment:

Toddy said...

Looks good. Now on to my office. The clutter kingdom of the abode.