Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Gardens

My parents have nice established gardens.  They are truly amazing.  It makes for a tranquil and peaceful setting.

Looking East on the North side of the house
Looking West on the North side of the house

My dad's garden

My dad's vegetable garden is pristine.  The rows of veggies are perfectly lined in straight rows with plenty of room to walk between the lush green plants.  There's not a weed to be found.  And he doesn't even mulch because he doesn't have to.  While he sleeps at night, he can hear the errant weed break soil and try to grow.  The next morning, he plucks the intruder before it can even photosynthesize enough sun to start growing for real.

Some day when I retire, I'll keep up on my weeds like that.  Until then, I'll mulch the heck out of my garden beds.

My first Sweet Baby Girl of 2013--the best cherry tom ever grown (picked and eaten, Sunday 6/23)

Now you know where I got my green thumbs.

1 comment:

Toddy said...

But was it good?