Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It Takes Blood, Sweat, And Tears

Keep your sweat and save your tears, but seriously think about giving me your blood.  Well, not to me literally.  With all the horrific tornadoes in the Midwest, there's a need for blood.  YOUR blood.  You may not think there is much you can do, but there is something huge you can do. Your single pint of blood can save up to 3 lives.

It makes me sad that only one in 20 people give regularly.  There is no substitute for blood when it is needed.  Saline just doesn't cut it.  So think about donating.  If you don't know where your local blood donation center is shame on you go find it.  It is worth the effort because so many people are in need.

Why give? Think of it as paying it forward.  Some day you may need it.  Or perhaps karma truly exists.  I have a theory which is somewhat of a preventative measure.  I believe that if I give blood, karma will protect my loved ones from needing it. I know this is completely illogical and irrational.  But hey, you don't have to agree with my theory to donate.  Come up with your own reason, and donate!!!

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