Sunday, August 12, 2012

My First 10K

This picture was from my first 10K, in the caves of KC, during the Ground Hog Day Run in 2006.  My parents were here and I believe my nephew ran the 5K.  I ran the 5K the previous year and remember that it was more musty smelling in '05.  Caves can get pretty stinky, but you can't beat the cool temp!

Happy camper after the run
I don't remember my time from the 10K, but I beat my goal.  That run rocked.  I'm posting this as self-motivation to run the next one in 2013. 

I ran a 5K yesterday, and never walked once, so I was very happy about that.  My only goal was to finish it, and walking would be OK since I haven't been training again for very long.  I started out very slow, at the back of the pack.  After the first mile, my body had warmed up and stopped hating me so I could pick up my pace just a little.  I had a strong finish.  Bonus: I feel pretty good today!

Why do I run?
It may have something to do with the homemade peach pie I baked.  Maybe.


Toddy said...

There's my baby!

Anonymous said...

As always, you impress me in many areas!

TRICIA said...

I love a sexy pie!