Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Such A LUSH

I am not being endorsed in any way for this post--if you know me, you know this topic is straight from my heart.

If you don't know what LUSH is, let me introduce you.  It's the BEST, most fun store ever.  I saw a comment from Mouse the other day on Anonyvox's post, and it reminded me that I had this post in progress.  If you are lucky enough to live in a city where there is a LUSH store, even just a little corner in a Macy's, then you are very, very lucky.  It's a fresh handmade cosmetics store. Not cosmetics as in makeup, although they do have lip balm (hardly makeup, I know).  It's bath bombs, bubble bars, bath melts, massage bars, fresh face masks, soaps, moisturizers, lotions, and potions and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE this company.  My ultimate crazy wacky dream is to someday own my own LUSH store.  I'd sell jewelry too, and mix my own soaps in the back room.  MMMWWWwwhhahahahahahaha (evil scientist laugh).

Mrs. Irritation introduced me in Vegas when we were there with our hubby's.  We went to LUSH again on our first girls trip to Vegas, which was a first time LUSH visit for Becky and Erica, it was so fun!  I got Dawn hooked on it when we decided to unexpectedly go shopping 2 years ago in Dallas.  I am so lucky to live just an hour from the store in KC now, and I had to get a present for Tullybird before my final move (can't wait to take her to the actual store).  Whenever I travel and have this stuff in my bag, I wreak in a most delightful way--during a business trip to Chicago, I picked up Suzie's 40th birthday present last fall.

My favorite product: Soft Coeur Massage Bar.  This stuff allowed me to live in the high desert and not shrivel into an old wrinkled prune.  It's amazing stuff!  There is a trick to using this: After you get out of the shower, warm it up in your hands, roll it all over, and THEN towel dry yourself off.  Not only will your skin be soft and hydrated ALL day, but your towel will smell like Heaven too.  If you think the feel is too greasy or you need to get dressed quickly, just sprinkle on some Silky Underwear Dusting Powder or any of their dusting powders.

Need something else that moisturizes?  Their bath melts are AWESOME!  Try this one Floating Island or this one MMM Melting Marshmallow Moment.  Or this one Deamtime, or You've Been Mangoed, or the witchy one.  I love every single one of these for a really moisturizing bath that takes your stress away.

When I was in NV, I LOVED the closest store in Sacramento.  The employees were always so fun and everyone is always knowledgeable about all of their products.  I've only been to the store in KC twice, so I haven't gotten to know their staff.  Yet.

Now let me warn you, if you visit a store and the employees seem a little eager in a crazy kind of way, like they believe their stuff is just SO awesome, well, it's cause their stuff IS. JUST. SO. AWESOME. Really. I am this Canadian companies' biggest fan.  Oh, oh, if you are lucky enough to be there at the right time, one of the employees might mix a "bath time cocktail" for you.  It's usually some kind of complimentary scented bath bomb and bath melt, or bubble bar and bath melt.  They swirl the items together in a big bowl of water, and messier the better!!! You can stick your hands in and feel how nice a bath full of that stuff would be.

I love most of the products I have ever purchased and all of the products I have been the very lucky recipient as a gift.  Christmas time is SO MUCH FUN to sniff your gifts first, if you think it might be LUSH, or if you recognize the paper.  I've been SO EXCITED to unwrap presents from Suzie, Tullybird, Mrs. Irritation and my parents in years past when I saw the LUSH paper. See what I was like at Suzie's last December?

I am not a sales person, it's not in my DNA.  But this stuff?  I'm their biggest cheerleader.

I do have to admit there are a few items I wouldn't purchase again. 
  • Phoenix Rising bath bomb is a beautiful product with a different scent that had me enjoying it after getting used to how different it smells.  However, when I went to drain my fresh clean tub?  I had to scrub it 5 times because the bath water had left a pink stain all over my tub.  Not happy about that especially since I had JUST CLEANED IT BEFORE THIS BATH.  Use this only in a hotel. ;-)
  • If you like your hand soap to suds up a lot, I'd recommend skipping their bar soaps.  However, you are missing out on some killer great scents.  Honey I Washed The Kids soap and Rock Star are my two favorite bar soaps.  You can't beat those scents.
  • This eye cream, Enchanted Eye Cream, is inconsistent. Since their products are hand made, I experienced a difference in this.  The first bottle I ever bought, I loved it.  The second bottle?  Not so much.  It was much thinner and didn't work well.  It actually didn't work at all.  I SHOULD have taken it back to the store and gotten a replacement.  A sales person told me that since they are hand made, that batch may not have been the same, so I should have brought it back.  So that is really my fault, but I had purchased it while on an out of town trip.  I could have called them.  But I'm still not going to purchase it again.  At one point in time, I did love it though.
I used to misunderstand their Shower Jellies.  And then one birthday, the daughter of Mrs. Irritation picked out a shower jelly especially for me.  She chose a Halloween themed jelly in my favorite color, neon green!  I learned that if you smoosh it into a shower scrubby, it lathers up really well and works really great!  Viola!  I love them now.  I do not freeze them to use in the shower, like they suggest.  That's just too high maintenance for me, if a bath product needs to be kept in the freezer.  My freezer is on the other side of the house for crying out loud.

Here's my little protégé.  Mrs. Irritation sent this pic one time they were in a LUSH thinking of me.  Her daughter loves the store as much as I do:

I do love their 9-to-5 to wash off eye makeup.  It's so gentle.  I just use it in the shower on my eyelids.  Another product I love is their lip scrub, Sweet Lips, which was another mandatory item when living in the desert.

I am a certifiable LUSH fanatic! If you have never been and have a LUSH accessible to you, GO, GO NOW!!!!  Or shop online.  I have absolutely no idea what you are waiting for, an engraved invitation?  I'm working on it.  But go now!


Anonymous said...

That girl is such a LUSH junkie and it's all because of you. She'll totally go into business with you when you open your store. The two of you together in LUSH is a sight to be seen!

I had one of their bath bombs turn my tub a funny color too and i can't remember which it was. Doh! I do love them, though. All of them. I like just having them out in a basket by the tub b/c it makes my bathroom smell lovely.

Mouse said...

Ok Sold. We don't have a store in my town, but I will be shopping online tonight. Thank you!

Anonyvox said...

I like the lemon hand creme they usually have back at their sink area. I'm huge into the Seanik shampoo bar and Jungle conditioner bar. Big shampoo is fun, especially with the little granules of whatever in there, and it smells sooo good!

I don't use any of their facial products because I try to avoid having fragranced products in that area...