Thursday, August 23, 2012


Keystone is completely back to normal. His scar has healed up nicely and you'd never guess he had 23 staples at one time.

Abby on the other hand has good days and bad. Today was a bad day. She puked for the first time in awhile. It happens. We went to lunch and came home, and she had vomited in 5 different places. We took the poor girl in to the vet. Again. There was blood in her bile. Without getting into disgusting details, we knew it was serious. We've got her on some new meds. The latest theory is that the high dose of prednisone is causing bleeding. So we are decreasing the amount of prednisone she is on. She has to stay on it because she could still be killing her own red blood cells if we don't. Battling IMHA is a bitchbalancing act.

I take Abby in for a checkup tomorrow. We will be monitoring her closely. I guess I should be thankful this isn't Labor Day weekend on a Saturday, right? We will see what happens then. There's always time for more doggy drama. I am also going in to work mid-day tomorrow because there's a meeting I want to go to. Then I will be back home to hopefully put the 3rd and final coat of paint on our bedroom. It's looking great, so at least there's that.

Cheers, it's a respectable hour for a cocktail. Finally.

1 comment:

Anonyvox said...

Sending good thoughts for Abbytail's appointment today!