Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is Today Christmas?

I have been checking my personal email periodically because we have some personal drama going on that I don't really need to complain about here (see me being all positive?!?). It was 4:02 this afternoon. I believe that I finally know the excited, wonderful feeling that Mrs. Irritation & Mouse felt when they found each other after soooooooo many years. 

I got an email. Finally, after all these years. 19 years to be exact. It was from my old best friend in high school. She finally found me. I can't believe it. I've searched for her on FB occasionally, with no luck. I don't know why I didn't get a hit, but I just didn't. 

It turns out that she has been searching for me for years. And today was the day. With one email that said "Hello Old Friend..." I am taken back 19 years.

I know we are totally different people now than when we were in high school (who isn't?). She's the one person I remember with such fond memories. All the fun I had in high school was with her. She was beautiful, popular, and cool. I remember appreciating her sense of humor. I remember sitting next to her in drivers Ed, I think it was (and History--we had several classes together that one year). We hit it off. 

We went to Sr. Prom together.  I participated in senior skip-day thanks to her (sorry mom, I know you didn't need to know that).  We watched each other grow up in those later high school years when you really form who you are. I think the last time I saw her was at her wedding, 19 years ago. 

I didn't have time to call her tonight, but I will catch up with her voice this weekend. Will we still have things in common? Will we still like each other? Will she think I'm a quack when she reads this?!?  The anticipation of getting to know her again is so exciting. I never thought I'd have an old friend older than my college roommate, Justine.  I have always thought of her over the years, wondering what she did and how she was. 

I know myself--and I only have a few friends. I've never been popular or outgoing. I'm naturally a quiet, introverted individual (really!!!). I'm not the social butterfly type. But the few friends I have, I hold tight and treasure highly. I hope all of you have connected to that one long lost friend--or better yet, your friend was never lost.

What an amazing day.


Mouse said...

I'm so excited for you to catch up with her this weekend!! I expect you will have so much fun getting to know each other again. Since finding Mrs. Irritation, I've wondered how I ever lived without her for over a decade. I hope it turns out the same way for you!

Anonymous said...

The thought of you introverted made me spit soda thru my nose. No, really, I know what you mean.

This is SO exciting!!! It truly is an amazing feeling. No matter how different your lives have been, there will always be the bond of what you went through in high school together. Which, in my experience, is a pretty strong bond. It will be so fun to see how you've both changed/grown over the years. One of the only reasons I don't quit FB forever is just this.

Keep us posted!

TRICIA said...

So how did the reunion go?

T said...

Doh!! We have both been too busy to connect via the phone. BUT I get to SEE her in January when I go celebrate Christmas with my parents! So soon, I'll update you all on how it goes.