Sunday, January 16, 2011

World Peace = Automobile Turn Signal Usage

I believe in developed nations where owning a car is the norm, there could be more peace on Earth, if everyone would learn to utilize their automobile turn signals.  I realize that it does take superior human motor skills.  You have to hyper-task by:
1) holding the steering wheel,
2) staying within the right and left lines,
3) keeping your right foot on the gas just enough to go the speed limit, but not over, and not so far under that you are a road hazard,
4) paying attention to what is ahead, behind, and on BOTH sides of you
5) OMG, flipping the plastic lever up or down to signal that you want to go right or left
ALL at the SAME time.

I totally understand how this just may be technical overload for some people.  They just can't do EVERY step At.The.Same.Time.  So I suggest planning ahead.  If this list of tasks just sends you into an immediate panic attack, perhaps you should:
1) Stay on farm roads.  (Better yet, drive your tractor.  Even better yet, ride your horse/cow.)
2) Mail order your groceries.
3) Order take-out and have it delivered.
4) Avoid all highways and any road with 4 or more lanes.
5) Don't drive.

There is nothing more irritating than being at a stop sign, and waiting on someone to drive past so that you can go and be on your merry way, only to see them slow down and turn before they even get to you.  Why, you could have gone 3 times by now, but you don't know if you can trust that little blinky-blinky-blinky light which isn't even turned on.  MAYBE they are one of THOSE drivers.  The OBLIVIOUS drivers, who forgot they switched lanes and didn't turn off their blinker.  They were busy being SO considerate so that we would know what lane they wanted to be in, that they forgot to tell us when they ARRIVED.  So they continue to blink.  This drives me crazy (and yes, Todd, I know it was a short trip).  Your hand was JUST on the lever to tell everyone where you wanted to go.  Would it be so much to ask that you keep it there for just a few more seconds so that you can turn it off, before you go back to 10-and-2?

Attention people, if we could all just PAY ATTENTION to our blinky's, I truly believe our world would be a more peaceful place.  It would at least be less irritating.  I'm not even going to start on people who wait at a green light... I'll save that for another post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sing it, Sister!