Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And Now For The Wiener....

Well, almost.  I have ALMOST chosen my gym-of-choice-winner.  I had an awesome spin class tonight (I walked in there with 3,200 steps on my pedometer, and walked out with 10,500!!!).  I was HOPING that I would enjoy the spin class, and I did!  I was immediately pleased.  You have no idea how difficult I am to please.  ;-)  I was happy when I walked into the room because it was COOL!!!  The dedicated full-time spin room was prepared for people to exercise and heat up.  It's a miracle.  That was my make-or-break test.  My next test of this gym will be zumba.  Not sure when I can make the class, but we will see.

Let's see, Gold's gym has this going for it:
1. Spin classes,
2. In a cool room!
3. Zumba classes--they have them.
4. Swimming pool--so I can really ramp up my training!!!
5. There is a location by my work, for lunch time work outs; and a location near my home for the weekends.
6. For $20 a month, it's a huuuuuuuuge bargain compared to what I was paying, AND there are way more classes that I will be able to make now because the times work with MY schedule.

I think the winner is pretty clear, but I will still use my 7-day free pass just to make sure!  I made a spreadsheet of all my gym choices and the details of each, but I don't even need it.

Having a gym chosen will make me feel better because I will not feel so in limbo.  I will soon have my home-away-from-home selected.  Yea, I'm addicted to working out, it's not a bad thing.


Anonymous said...

"You have no idea how difficult I am to please."

Is Toddy going to weigh in on that statement?

TRICIA said...

Keep me posted on how registering for the Spin classes goes. I think I may have to join you. I could use the extra money in my pocker. $20 a month is an amazing price.