Friday, March 18, 2011


I am totally convinced that my husband has been experiencing Humidifier Fever. Humidi whaaat??? Yea, humidifier FEVER. It super sucks and looks/acts JUST like a horrible round of the flu. He gets violent chills and a fairly high fever (102...103). I can stack 4 or 5 blankets on him when I only have a sheet. What convinces me that this is the reason besides the fact that I've always gotten the humidifier going just several hours before he becomes ill... is that I never catch it. Even though I had a flu shot, being this close to a sicky, I'd catch it. And I haven't. I have had a "fuzzy chest on the inside" like I can't take a completely full and deep breath. So I react differently.

Poor guy. I am SO SORRY I started the humidifier. It will never happen again. It's just not worth it. He is M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E!!! Worst-wife-award winner-of-the-year right here. But best Doctor-wanna-be too!  He's going to be all better tomorrow.  It was a rough day for him.

1 comment:

Toddy said...

It's as no one cares about your husband!